Why Your Business is Dead If You Don’t Embrace AI For Your Marketing

Why you want to read on: This isn’t just another boring blog post, it’s a step-by-step guide to the exact steps to take in your business, today, to uncover how AI can save you time and money, and then implement a plan that gets you real results.

Let’s be very clear here… The AI revolution has arrived. It’s not coming. It’s here. And businesses that take the time to implement AI tools within their business will be the ones that not only survive, but thrive.

Many of our clients shared that prior to joining one of our AI workshops (yes, we offer online AI marketing workshops and in-person AI marketing workshops in Perth), they felt unsure about how to use AI in their business and that’s what was stopping them.

In today’s blog post we’re going to outline the step-by-step process to uncovering the AI tools that can save your business big bucks and many, many man (or lady) hours.

Step 1: AI Audit

“How can you hit a target you cannot see?” – Jim Rohn

How do you know what can be improved upon if you don’t first look at your business processes and objectively uncover just what’s possible? 

AI is exciting, it’s so much fun when you start to learn what’s possible, and it’s so easy to get distracted! Trust us, we know! With our ADHD brains it’s so easy to get excited and distracted in our team meetings about shiny new time saving tools. That’s why it’s so important to have a plan. And that plan starts with an AI audit.

Not sure where to start? Reach out to the AI and automation specialists at Aurora AI & Marketing Advisory today [hyperlink to Contact Us page] and we can help you with our step-by-step AI audit that will shine the light on your uncovered cost and time savings.

Step 2: Implementation Plan

Fab, you’ve completed the audit and you’re crystal clear on alllllllll the digital marketing and content processes within your business that AI can help with. You’re probably feeling a little (or more like a lot) overwhelmed. That’s great, you’re in the right place.

Now it’s time to create a plan on what you’ll implement and in which priority. We often recommend finding the tasks that either:

  • Cost the business the most financially;
  • Cost the business the most in time; or
  • Cost the business the most in emotion – by this, we mean, those tasks that don’t necessarily take that much time or money, but jeez they’re painful to do. Annoying. The kind of thing that you think about for a week or two before doing it. 

We’ve mapped out this entire process and broken down each step in our helpful guide: The AI Marketing Implementation Plan. Get your copy below.

[insert ActiveCampaign lead magnet opt-in]

Step 3: AI Champion

From here you get to find one lucky duck within your business who gets to be your AI Champion. This legend is going to be responsible for implementing just one of those time and cost saving tools each week. 

If you’re a small team it might mean hiring someone for a certain number of hours a week to do this, or, you could be that lucky duck. The key is that this role is assigned.

Step 4: Apply the Change

Your AI Champion gets to get to work each week on following your AI Implementation Plan. This includes researching the suitable tool, and in this incredibly fast-paced arena, the “best” tool could literally change week to week. Don’t get too bogged down in this, focus on the outcome you’re aiming for. It’s better to implement a new tool a week, than spend a month researching one and not getting ahead.

Step 5: Review

We followed ole mate Jim Rohn’s advice, we set a target that we could see, created and followed an implementation plan to bring that target to life. And now we get to uncover the fruits of our labour.

It’s great to implement these tools – and you also need to track their efficacy. Or, adherence. What’s the point in investing the time and money it takes to implement a new AI tool, if your team don’t use it? 

Remember: what gets measured gets results.

Again, we have a beautiful review template that we included in The AI Marketing Implementation Plan. Get instant access (yes, it’s free!) below.

If you’ve ever been to one of the Aurora AI & Marketing Advisory AI Workshops you’ll know that we live by the ethos that education without action is mere entertainment. Sure, we’re stoked you were entertained by this blog post, but it’s not going to make a positive difference in your life or business without taking action.

So, take action, now. Want help implementing but don’t have a suitable team member to help? Contact Us today and we can hook you up.

Ready to do this yourself? Fab, download The AI Marketing Implementation Plan and do the damn thing.